Semi-Upright - "Hide & Seek"

Semi-upright - "Hide & Seek"


Revolution's Hide & Seek series brings an unusual pose to the hunter who has everything. The mounted buck looks like a deer peering out from behind a tree!

Important Note: This series of Revolution Whitetail deer forms uses Accufast glass eyes, exclusively. The Accufast Eye Setting System is designed for the production taxidermist who is looking to be as efficient as possible by saving eye setting time.

Create a dramatic display with a McKenzie Wall Habitat® and realistic looking habitat materials.

Click the link to take advantage of our Whitetail Savings Club - the more whitetail manikins you buy, the more you save on freight!

View: How To Measure Shoulder Mount Forms

  Item # ABCDTurnEyePrice  
20A717½1619½LT32mm$95.50Buy Online
20B1917¾21¼LT32mm$98.70Buy Online
20C72018¼22¾LT32mm$99.90Buy Online
20D6⅞2118¾24LT32mm$102.60Buy Online
20E2219¾25LT32mm$103.25Buy Online
20F2320½26LT32mm$103.85Buy Online