Easy-Set Face System - Gray Fox Lying on Limb


The biggest breakthrough in Gray Fox forms since the foam mannikin! Designed from the ground up by mammal expert Brian Hendricks, these forms contain new, innovative and functional features that make mounting a Gray Fox easier than ever before. Each form features our new patent-pending Easy-Set Face System that takes the challenge out of achieving correct expression and skin alignment in your Gray Fox mounts. The results are mounts that represent the fluid motion and natural expression
of the Gray Fox.

View: Brian Hendricks Easy-Set System Online Videos

Mount by Brian Hendricks

Displaying items 1 - 4 of 4
by Brian Hendricks
Gray Fox Lying on Limb, RT
2 1/8 x 10 1/2 x 22

by Brian Hendricks
Gray Fox Lying on Limb, RT
2 1/4 x 11 x 23

by Brian Hendricks
Gray Fox Lying on Limb, RT
2 3/8 x 12 x 24

by Brian Hendricks
Gray Fox Lying on Limb, RT
2 1/2 x 13 x 25
