6AN Antelope - Semi-Sneak Sweep

6AN Antelope (Pronghorn) Sweeping Semi-Sneak Series


This is a completely redesigned Pronghorn antelope by Dennis Behn that features a unique horn notch with new positive set eye sockets that will put the horns in the right spot every time. Simply lower the bone of the eye socket orbit, until it touches the form eye socket, and you are done. Check out Dennis Behn’s blog for an in-depth look at how this form works.

  • Completely redesigned Pronghorn antelope!

  • Sweeping semi-sneak

  • Keeps customers coming back for more!

Bring interest and dimension to your mount with a McKenzie Wall Habitat® or premium quality wood panel. Our premium quality antelope eyes are suitable for commercial and competition mounts.

View: Pronghorn Antelope Mounting Techniques

View: How To Measure Shoulder Mount Forms

  Item # ABTurnEye
6AN-7315RSW7 3/415RTM36AN$88.55Buy Online
6AN-7315LSW7 3/415LTM36AN$88.55Buy Online
6AN-8015RSW815RTM36AN$88.55Buy Online
6AN-8015LSW815LTM36AN$88.55Buy Online
6AN-8016RSW816RTM36AN$90.00Buy Online
6AN-8016LSW816LTM36AN$90.00Buy Online