Solution for Those Oily Fish Problems by Phil Helms


If you take the bone out of the top of the head, most of this problem is eliminated. This technique also eliminates shrinkage problems.

Figures 1 and 2 show the location of the bone we are trying to eliminate.

Using a pair of fish skinning shears, cut through the bone in front of the eyes and toward the nose area. Turn the fish over and repeat the process as shown.

Carefully press with your thumbs on the center of the head to break the bone in half. Don't push too hard or you may dislodge some scales.

After the bone is broken, carefully remove it with your fingers and a scissor. You can see how much bone, fat and cartilage are removed using this technique.

To remove a good deal of the natural oils that remain, the fish should be soaked in a 50/50 mix of denatured alcohol and water for about a week. A closed container, such as an old cooler, is ideal for this because the skin can lay flat.

After the alcohol bath, the fish should be put in a rehydration bath consisting of water and a handful of Borax for about a half hour.

Once the fish is rehydrated, go back and remove any remaining flesh form the skin. You are ready to mount as usual.

Note: This alcohol bath rehydration works well for all oily fish.

When mounting the head area, put a thin layer of mache' on the form then use use a fill method on the head.

Push Fish Fill through the eye sockets filling the top of the head and cheeks back to their original shape.

The Results: No shrinkage and no oily mess!

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