Ferebee Artificial Bird Heads

Artificial Bird Heads by Joe Ferebee


The top selling artificial bird heads in the industry!

Ferebee bird heads offer:

• Accurate bill detail - no shrinkage.

• Pre-paint before installing - no overspray.

• Eliminate neck incision - no sewing

• Easy neck connection.

• Saves time and money!

View: Using Ferebee Artificial Bird Heads showing easy to follow instructions by bird expert Joe Ferebee.

Technical support has always been an integral part of McKenzie Customer Service. We understand that unless you know how to use a product you may never know its full potential. We also are aware that in the ever-changing world of taxidermy there are new innovative products and techniques being developed constantly. Before you begin mounting your prized bird, view our free instructional How To Measure For Bird Forms and free online How-To Instructions for Bird Taxidermy.