How To Measure Buckeye Mannikins Whitetail Shoulder Forms

Taking the measurements of the animal properly ensures that you will be using the best form for that specimen.

Use calipers to take these measurements accurately. With a ruler, your line of sight will vary greatly, and on average, this dimension is short by about 1/4 inch.

If you are adapting a form, the measurements that you take will help you alter the form to fit exactly.

Be as precise as possible.

"A" measurement is taken before skinning, all others are done afterward. If you do measure the neck over the hair prior to skinning, you must deduct the hair and skin thickness from the measure (usually two inches or more, on average). The "A" measurement is the distance from the front center of the nose to the bone on the inside corner of the eye.

The "L" measurement is the distance from the front tip of the nose to the back of the head.

The "C" measurement is the circumference of the neck at the closest point to the head. This measurement should be taken from the skinned carcass in the approximate position of the finished mount.

The "D" measurement is the circumference of the neck at the jawline.

This measurement, as well as any other neck measurements, should be made after the skin has been removed.

The "C" and "D" measurements give a true representation of the amount of swell a neck might have.

  • The nose-to-eye (A) and the neck circumference crossing the atlas of the neck (C) are the most critical, so these are considered the primary measurements.

  • The length of the head (L) and the neck swell line (D) are secondary measurements.


For Life-size and Half Life-size forms measurement instructions, click here.

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